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Scan Title: eod close price
Symbol Stock Name close last_trade_date
 APXIW  Apx Acquisition  0.02  2022-12-27
 MNRL  Brigham Mineral  32.5  2022-12-28
 RWCB  Redwood Capital  18.08  2022-12-28
 GBS  Gbs Inc  0.193  2022-12-28
 AKICW  Sports Ventures  0.0003  2022-12-28
 OSTR  Oyster Enterpri  10.07  2022-12-28
 PEGRW  Project Energy  0.04  2022-12-28
 JGGCR  Jaguar Global G  0.0601  2022-12-28
 MNKPF  Mallinckrodt Pl  8.08  2022-12-28
 MLGCD  M3 Metals Corp  0.1706  2022-12-27
 CMNDD  Clearmind Medic  3.35  2022-12-28
 CNDAW  Concord Acquisi  0.0002  2022-12-28
 RSMSS  Rse Archive Llc  3.6  2022-12-28
 GNBT  Generex Biotech  0.0001  2022-12-29
 COVAU  Cova Acquisitio  10.5  2022-12-29
 COLIU  Colicity Inc Un  10.055  2022-12-29
 RXRAU  Rxr Acquisition  10.05  2022-12-29
 ASAXW  Astrea Acquisit  0.0013  2022-12-29
 MDH  Mdh Acquisition  10.04  2022-12-29
 FACA  Figure Acquisit  10.04  2022-12-29
 COLI  Colicity Inc Cl  10.07  2022-12-29
 NMNSF  Numinus Wellnes  0.002  2022-12-29
 VELO  Velocity Acquis  10.02  2022-12-29
 HUGS  Ushg Acquisitio  10.05  2022-12-28
 GIIXW  Gores Holdings  0.0003  2022-12-29

Page 17 of 673 pages, showing 25 records out of 16815 total